Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Back In Black

'A prime example of the ‘blackest of black’ color spectrum is to simply develop an unused/exposed roll of photography camera film*. 

'The Black sheen is so full of depth & rich in color or lack thereof, it verges on “breathtakingly beautiful” <— Factoid. If You want a paint company to develop or have an in-stock example of the blackest of black paint, contact Lascaux Paints in Zurich, Switzerland. As quality reference, Jean Dubuffet bought & only used their various manufactured reds by the case/crate during most of his painting career.’

‘An ongoing search for the blackest of black paint.’

*Or maybe it was by snapping photo w/camera lens cover still on ie not removed & only exposing negative film to non-light during creation/production of photograph before development. Forgot which.
