Friday, October 28, 2011

Skateboarders On Boat Row

Street Skaters: Early last month, under I-95 in Port Richmond, saw two skateboarders filming themselves ollie onto and off the bow of this ^abandoned boat^. The boat is still there.

Vert Skaters: A few weeks ago, after a computer session at the Fishtown Library Branch, was walking home when I spotted a teen sitting in the lifeguard's chair at the Public Pool. He was acting as guard/cop spotting sentry while a couple of his buddies skateboarded the empty pool. The 26th Precint parking lot is adjacent and the precinct itself is 1/2 block away.

Note: Where I grew up, the opportunity to skate pools was never afforded us. The pools were always rectangular with hard right angle corners, never round kidney forms. Also, Southwest Texas was generally warm during the autumn/winter months and pools were generally never drained thanks to chlorine & acid (ph levels).