Friday, May 27, 2011

Izzy Cihak's Top 5 Bands of Brothers

5) Oasis: I don't really want to make a case for this choice as I do kind of hate myself for it.

4) Stone Temple Pilots: In a time when the biggest bands in the world were looking more and more like janitors, Jesey's own DeLeo brothers helped remind us that glitter, bell-bottoms, and a firm grasp of Aerosmith's first four albums should never be out of reach for any respectable Rock'N'Roll band.

3) Bauhaus: The brothers Haskins (and Daniel Ash) helped ensure that Bauhaus was more than a paraphrased tribute to David Bowie and gave the band a sound the audible equivalent to being sexually assaulted in the dark alley of a German Expressionist film.

2) The Black Crowes: Although I'm not generally a fan of beards or pot, the Robinson brothers generally had enough blow and designer duds to balance any hippie-dom with glamorous badassedness. And despite the fact that they share fans with Phish, they maintain a credible-music literacy that led them to often cover the work of those who find themselves at #1.

1) The Stooges: It proves hard to convince yourself not to cite Iggy as the most important Stooge, but the Asheton brothers had arguably more influence over that God-awful racket that anyone in the know recognizes as the most beautiful aural-aesthetic ever provided by postmodernity.