Thursday, September 21, 2017

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

LST CH - 4:20am, Sunday

Three Stooges [17.2, Antenna TV] <--> King's Highway [12.2, WHYY2]


Darn. NHK World (35.2) is going off-air on Sept 30th cause owner of channels 35.1 - 35.4, MiND TV sold their rights to these airwaves @ FCC auction for $150million plus. Think a wireless phone company purchased them. .... spokesperson said company would use said monies to expand their footprint online as, according to them, this is the future of media. Imo, they've made a terrible business decision. Also, don't know if MiND TV, France24, & RT getting the boot too. I seriously hope NHK & the 3 other 'sister stations' find another over-the-air home here in Philly for those of us who don't have cable. Those 4 stations are probably, in addition to IonLife, the tv channels I watch most.

Monday, September 18, 2017

NFL Boycott

Best reason I've read for why professional QB Colin Kaepernick is currently an unemployed NFL player after protesting before games last season by not standing for The National Anthem & 'taking a knee' during the pre-game ceremonies etc. [via Deadspin Comments Section ]


Welp, today is 1st wkend of college football. Haven't told anyone but am boycotting *all* NFL games this season. I know, you may think it silly or 'non-effectual stance' but it's something I gotta do for various reasons I won't bother listing. Haven't watched single pre-season play [game etc] tho may have caught glimpses while channel surfing & local news showing highlights but doesn't count blah blah blah. Anyways, today did watch NC take 3 point lead after intercepting Cal & score td coupla plays later so will watch some NCAA action this season though am purdy sure will continue NFL Boycott ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Ok. Over/Out


Very surprisingly, boycotting the NFL was much more difficult than I imagined. Though I didn't watch a single-play of today's action, stopped briefly on both Eagles/Skins & Cowboys game while channel-surfing & boy, did I really wanna watch em... but hey, I'm a guy with 'real moral standards' [umm so far] ;-P therefore boycott still in effect. Ok. Over/Out.


Unrelated: Why is unemployment so high in USA when stock prices & economy generally growing past 8 years? One reason, perhaps, cause if unemployment high, American Youth, irregardless of race but generally of 'middle or lower-classes', will enter Military Service for pay or college opportunities... ie United States has a 'Voluntary Military' not Draftees tho Military Service also an option for those 'Convicted of Crimes' etc. What is correlation between 'tough Drug Laws' & High Prison Population of Minorities & Poor Whites & those 'Serving' in Military vs 'Serving Time in Prison'?

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Reality TV - Part IV

[*] "I bring the men who desire death as ardently as you desire life." -- Khalid ibn al-Walid (seventh-century Islamic warrior, companion of Muhammad)

warning: long & maybe boring blog post entry

'Is this a Church or Discotheque?'

Service started with low/deep purple lighting plus an ice-machine spewing fog. Congregation mostly white/young & very 'evangelical'. Each seat had sm creamer-like container w/grape juice plus what looked like a lifesaver candy (gluten-free) that served as communion/host bread. Service started put w/live band including drummer that played sorta 'new-wave' Christian based lyrics/music etc. 'New Wave' Group prolly played 2 songs for about 10mins total.

Sermon was 2nd in 3part series. this wk was focused on scripture Roman8, verses5-13 which was anchored by 'visual' from movie 'Karate Kid' where student (ralph m) is mentored by asian guy with saying/practice of "wax on, wax off" while cleaning & washing outside of automobile.

3 words were used as catchphrase during service... discipline, sanctification, & activation. Heres are gospels quoted during service: (*)John4:20 (*)Philipians4:8, (*)Romans12:2 (*)John15:5 on lg multiple tv screens.

Various Quotes I jotted/noted - "Sinfull Nature is The Flesh"; "God's Revelation -> Activation -> Participation"; "Sanctification"; "Need Discipline to be Disciple"; "Lack of Focus? Holy Spirit Helps w/Priorities"; Focus, Sanctification, & Activation: Holy Spirit's Empowerment is to help us live out our purpose"; "Participation is evidence of God's transformation"

Like I said before, congregation is very young & perhaps a bit too "evangelical" for me but will attend another service or 2 before deciding whether this Church is for me or not etc.(

ok.bye :-)

>Are you going to try Church again? Just curious!

Yes. There are 2 services; 10am & 11:30. Same sermon but wonder if atmosphere is different. Went to 10am last wk so will try 11:30 this wk :-)

Didn't have 'cash' on me for $dollar-donation but a 'Block Church Team Member' said "no problem" about taking Bible plus 2 small 'spiritual booklets' etc.

Bible & 2 spiritual guide booklets mentioned earlier; picked up @ 'Block Church' service Sunday Morn.


Great News! The Catholic Cathedral (St. Adalbert Church) nearby w/very lg Polish congregation has a 9am service in English so think my Sundays will be traditional/conservative service 1st then 3 blocks away will attend the 10:30 'evangelical' sermon (there is no 'mass') @ 'The Block Church'. Sounds like a 'full' Sunday morn but what the hey, I'll give it a try :-)


Children learn from parents, both 'good habits' & 'bad' ones so Thank You for giving me a strong & resilient template! Though physically I maybe somewhat alone & isolated here in Philly BUT I *felt* presence of family & friends spiritually even if said persons (you, siblings, friends/in-laws etc) were at a distance geographically.  Also, when one matures, adversity just seems to be flip-side of good-life coin etc... what I mean is a whole & full life can be both good & difficult.

So, think I will keep attending 'Block Church' @10am service but perhaps not join in on the prayer groups, something I'm not ready for & I think another church (cathedral actually) down the street perhaps has an 11ish service I can also attend, which is more conservative & traditional tho I don't know the denomination. Attending both services would be a good combination :-) I'll see how it works out etc but right now thats my plan.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Via InfoWars Comments Section: I'll see ya' Acts 2:38 and raise you I Corinthians 1:17, Romans 10:9,10 and Acts 10:44-48 Saved first, Holy Ghost first, then water - which never has been required for the metamorphosis to a new creation; FORMULAS ARE WORKS,,,,, and LOTS are in lava because of false teachings.... Toss in Acts 11:13-18 for good measure -- saved ONLY by Words.


*[Epigraph] Black Flags: The Rise of Isis by (Pulitzer Prize Winning Author) Joby Warrick; Published by First Anchor Books, Sept. 2016; personal sidenote - only book currently checked out from Free Library of Philadelphia (FLP) in addition to various compact discs & dvds. Man, gotta start reading more again! Doesn't matter whether fiction or not. Enjoy literature & also reference books :-)


Interesting Links:

[*] Iran has hidden away one of the world's greatest treasure troves of Modern Art

[*] Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Galleries at Moore

Come celebrate the 100th Anniversary of The Benjamin Franklin Parkway! Moore will present Drew Nugent & the Midnight Society outside the College's main entrance and The Galleries at Moore and The Art Shop will be open until 9:00 pm.
Go back to the time of Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Jelly Roll Morton, and the rest of the Jazz Age greats! Drew Nugent & the Midnight Society is Philadelphia’s very own RED HOT Jazz ensemble. They specialize in playing jazz, blues,and pop music from the Jazz Age in the true spirit of the Roaring Twenties—right down to the instrumentation and duds of the era.

Admission is free. There will be events all up and down The Parkway as well at the museums and other venues. A great way to spend a Friday in Philly!


Fri, September 8, 2017
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM EDT


Moore College of Art & Design
1916 Race Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Reality TV - Interlude / Commercial Break

Had very decent day today :-) Ran outta tape that I use to secure peg-tube to stomach otherwise it would just pop out if not heavily bandaged ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  so headed off to Walmart, a 30 min walk aka 'leisurely stroll' since was beautiful Aug day (temp mid 80s & scattered clouds) Could've taken public transportation but since its Sat., busses on wkend schedule so really wouldn't get to destination any quicker.

Coupla wks ago agreed to participate in study questionnaire @ Temple U. Hosp: 'Cancer Study/Survey (Gene-Environmental Interactions & Racial Disparities in Head & Neck Cancers)' which took about 2 hrs to complete & afterwards they unexpectedly gave me 2 Walmart gift-cards ($10 each) so bought two rolls of 'athletic tape' for stomach/peg-tube, 3 diff kinds of stick deodorant/perspirant cause its summer & I *always* have problem w/underarm body order ie I'm a 'real stinker' so at this time of year gotta use 2 diff deodorants at same time. I also purchased 2 cds (Prince - Around the World In A Day containing hits 'Raspberry Beret' & 'Pop Life' plus the 1st self-titled album by group Boston, an old fave I didn't have in my current cd collection) 

On way home picked up 3 cans of 'Bud Ice' for $5; I know, Budweiser? But like I told 'Tx Guys Crew' yesterday, not only are they cheap, Bud Ice is 'pleasant' on my stomach ie no acid-reflux & since it goes down my peg-tube, taste is not really a concern. If I was drinking beer through mouth would prolly buy $2 pint of PBR @ 'Corner-Bar(tm)' instead :-) So anyways left home w/$10.25 plus 2 $10 gift cards & bought all the afore-mentioned stuff & returned home w/$1.75. A successful shopping day indeed! Ok. Thats all. Over/Out.

addendum - fwd link: while listening to today's purchases, googled 'Prince Albums, Ranked'  & stumbled upon this newly posted (today!) article. Interesting read :-)