Love or Stupidity
You Decide
A parable of two brothers Mr. Law Breaker and Mr. Law Keeper.
These two distinct brothers loved each other inspite of their differences. Mr. Law Breaker killed a man over a gambling dispute and ran home to change from his bloody clothes and escape to a remote part of the country where there are no outside contacts.
Mr. Law Keeper, loving his brother, changed into the bloody clothes and picked up the knife. The Police had come to the home and arrested Mr. Law Keeper and charged him with the crime.
The trial was short. Mr. Law Keeper was found guilty and killed by lethal injection. Mr. Law Breaker eventually hears of these tragic events. He returns to the city. He receives an audience with the sitting judge of his brother's case. During their talk he confessed his crimes and anger over his brother's death.
The judge, with tears in his eyes realizes the great love displayed in this case. He assures Mr. Law Breaker of his freedom. He stated that the law demands were satisfied by his brother's death, and as far as the courts were concerned Mr. Law Breaker was innocent. Mr. Law Breaker cried out, "My Brother was stupid," the judge said firmly - NO! "It was love." The judge exhorted the brother to live his brother's life uprightly.
Well, the love of Mr. Law Keeper, won Mr. Law Breaker over, and it wasn't long before the entire town called the killer Mr. Law Keeper. Oh how this kind of love can change the worst of us.
Two thousand years ago, in a city of Bethlehem, a child was born and grew to be known as Mr. Law Keeper. He was born of a virgin. Sinless Son of God, called Immanuel, being interpreted, "God with us." This son put on our humanity. He went to the judgement. God, the judge, seen him as me. The law I broke was satisfied. I was told this account at the age of 27 years old. I went to the judge in prayer and confessed my sins that he went to judgement in my place. The judge said; (in His Word), that he would not judge me if I would believe what my brother had done. I immediately accepted the facts. I was from any judgement. The law was satisfied by brother's substitution. I told another friend of mine this story and he responded "How stupid is that", I said "NO!" "It's not stupid, it's love." John 3:16, II Corinthainas 5:21
This story is a picture of what Jesus Christ has done for the world. It does not take affect until we personally believe God's account, (The Bible), of this great love. There is one penalty for sin, Hebrews 9:26-28, Therefore only one payment. John 1:12, promises, to as many as received Jesus to them he gives the power, (authority), to become the children of God."
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Flyer typos kept as are, Contact info withheld.
Soup To Nutz cartoon published April 29th