Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Contractor News Network

"I'm not rich because somebody is poor. But some people are poor because the system does not reward particular skills. Some of them have very limited skills in terms of what it brings them in a market system." -- Warren Buffett

(*) Background Info: American Companies Fight Against $10.10 Minimum Wage

Note: Click Title Link Also for Complete CNN Article & Video About Why Calls To Raise The Minimum Wage Stump Warren Buffett


(*) Amazon and the Squeezing of the Middle Class

(*) Amazon Reportedly Laying Groundwork for Own Delivery Service

Anti-Amazon Testimonials:

(*) Blue Collar Labor (Hourly Wage)

(*) White Collar Labor (Management/Salaried)

(*) Amazon Insiders Tell the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly


(*) Four Ways The U.S. Government Enables The Rich To Steal

(*) Four Biggest Right-Wing Lies About Income Inequality