Sunday, November 18, 2007

November 18th

Honoring the Gifts We Value

As we grow in spirituality, our lives become more authentically our own. We become more open to being who we are and creating from our unique spiritual guidance. Our personal connection to our Higher Power can lead us to more honest choices about our art. We become more balanced and disciplined with our gifts.

We learn to listen quietly for the familiar voice of inspiration that guides our choices, teaches us timing, and leads us gently to the next step in jour creative endeavors. Since we value that inspiration, we learn to act on it to honor its presence in our lives.

We learn patiently to accept and honor our creative gifts as sacred and valued treasures from God. We come to believe that in using our gifts we honor our Higher Power for having entrusted the gifts to us.

Teach me, God, to honor the gifts I value from you. Guide me, please, to use my gifts to honor you for giving them to me. Thanks for caring.

excerpted from the Artist's Soul (Daily Nourishment to Support Creative Growth) by Linda Coons
page 443
published in the year 2000
Penguin Putnam Inc.